General Terms of Participation

Carefully read the following General Terms of Participation in the organized excursions, which are in accordance with the Community Directive.

The statement on TravelExplore tours automatically confirms the acceptance of the following General Terms of Participation.

  1. Office Responsibilities. To organize its excursions, TravelExplore uses hotels, and other entities in which it has no direct control. His role is to mediate in the provision of services to his customers, so his responsibilities are identified only in cases of omissions and organizational weaknesses. TravelExplore does not abuse the mitigating factors involved in its mediation role and makes every effort to meet the expectations of its customers. The office is not responsible for any anomalies that may arise for reasons independent of it. Incidents such as: changes, delays or cancellations of scheduled itineraries of any kind. Accidents, illnesses or unpleasant organizational effects from climatic conditions, epidemics, food poisoning or inadequate cleaning conditions. Unforeseen events or events of force majeure, such as adverse weather conditions, strikes, coups, wars, fires, earthquakes, floods and any other need or situation of force majeure. Damage, loss or theft of luggage, personal belongings, money or travel documents and any consequences of a criminal or other criminal act.
  2. Registration Statement. For each trip of this program there is a participation deadline of 6 days before departure. The participation deadline also determines the time limits within which the respective trip can be canceled without any financial impact on us. The participation statement is valid only when the customer prepares 1/3 of the amount of each trip. Phone or other reservations that are not validated by paying the corresponding deposit do not oblige the office to reserve seats. The participation prices clearly cover only what is mentioned in the “Included” of each excursion. During the trip the days of departure and arrival of the excursions are included. The reservations are made with the issuance of the program and within the registration deadline set for each trip, which, however, does not oblige the office to secure a place for the interested party if in the meantime the provided seats have been exhausted. The balance is paid in advance, at least 2 days before the start of the trip.
  3. Travel Conditions. A basic obligation of those who participate in group or individual trips is the timely attendance at the events of the program. The lack of consistency, among other problems it creates, gives the attendant the right to ignore the indifferent client and the office to refuse any compensation for services that were not given to him. The participants in the organized trips of the office are also solely responsible for the timely securing and preservation of the necessary travel documents (passports, vaccination certificates, emigration licenses, etc.), as well as for the authenticity of their declarations in Greek or foreign currency and principles. The mentioned information concerns holders of Greek passports only. After the end of the tour, the customers can express their complaints and in case the written protest is sent to the office within 10 days from the return of the tour, they will receive a written justified response from the office. Otherwise reserves the right not to reply
  4. Insurance. The office has a liability insurance policy that covers any customer claims arising from the non-execution or improper execution of the trip, as well as covers in case of insolvency or bankruptcy and the obligation to return the paid, as well as the repatriation of the repatriated .
  5. Means of transport. Smoking in public transport is prohibited. The phrase “through the city …” indicates the route direction of the program and not the passage and tour of the listed city. The phrase “we will see …” often indicates the exterior view of the building of each monument by coach. The Office reserves the right to change the size of the cars depending on the number of participants in each trip. Any damage to the means of transport of the tourists is borne by them and only to the extent that it is due to their own fault
  6. Hotels. In case the trip will need to be extended due to force majeure (bad weather, postponement, strike, etc.) the excursionists are obliged to pay for the above days or for the price difference that will result from the change of ship. Hotel rooms are picked up at 2pm and delivered at 12pm, regardless of the time of arrival or departure of the excursionists. The rooms of most hotels around the world have been designed to accommodate two beds. The single rooms are always few and are available in the order of registration of those interested. It is possible to share a double room, if there is another hiker with this desire. Otherwise the use of a single room is mandatory and the extra cost (difference of a single room) is borne by the traveler. During exhibitions or other events in different cities, overnight stays can take place in the surrounding wide areas.
  7. Meals. Excursions include those included in the “Included” breakfasts and meals. During the excursions, TravelExplore tries to include in them the best possible food of the excursionists, but it is not responsible for any quantitative or qualitative insufficiency of the meals because it is determined exclusively by the hotels.
  8. Guided Tours. On Christmas and New Year excursions, visits to museums and other archeological sites may not take place or take place on a different day than planned due to holidays and non-operation. Local excursions / guided tours are done by the official guides.
  9. Μutual understanding between travelers.Organized group trips presuppose mutual understanding between travelers. The office, making every effort for the harmonious development of its excursions, recommends the same to its excursionists.
  10. Cancelation .To provide hotels and other necessary services TravelExplore prepares significant amounts, long before the realization of the trips it has planned and is bound by specific compensation obligations in case of partial or total cancellation. That is why he is obliged to withhold the entire deposit and request additional payment in case of untimely cancellation. Any cancellation within the last 5 days prior to the start of the trip is considered untimely unless otherwise stated in the tour description. In case of cancellation from 5 days to 24 hours before the start of the trip it is possible to deduct the total amount of the value of the trip. In addition, the customer who is unable to participate in the organized trip for which he has already paid a deposit or payment, can assign his reservation to another person who meets all the necessary conditions for the organized trip, after informing the office at least 5 working days in advance. the departure, unless otherwise stated in the specific trip. The client who assigns and the client who accepts his participation in the excursion are jointly and severally liable to the office for the due balance of the amount, as well as for any additional costs of this assignment. The office is entitled in case the bill is not paid by the time of departure to request the payment by any legal means.
  11. Programm changing. The minimum required participation for all organized excursions is 25 people. The office reserves the right to cancel any of its trips if the participation is deemed insufficient or for other reasons that in its judgment do not favor its realization. The office must notify customers of the cancellation of the trip until the start of the trip. In this case, the liabilities of the office are limited to the return of the money received. In addition, TravelExplore is committed to adhering to the tour schedule, as stated in the description of each trip. The office also has the right to make changes to the program to the extent it deems appropriate in order to overcome technical problems or unforeseen difficulties. If the changes in the described program have been notified in any intelligible way to the client, the office is not bound by the description of the tour program. These changes can be made before the trip begins and if they are so significant that their character is altered, participants are entitled to cancel their reservation and get their money back, without further ado. However, if changes are deemed necessary during the course of the trip, the participants are obliged to accept them.
  12. Children have a discount on the price only if they sleep in a triple room with their parents. Over 6 years old pay regular participation, except for excursions that state a child price.
  13. Price changing. The cost of participating in any trip may increase for the following possible reasons. Increase in fares calculated during costing. Unable to gather the minimum required number of participants per route or transfer to a more expensive fare. Significant increase in the price of foreign exchange units in relation to those received during the costing of the trip price. The price change can be made up to 20 days before the start of the trip and is not an excuse to cancel the participation. Organized excursions include the required expenses for accommodation fees, port fees, unless otherwise stated in the description of the specific excursion.
  14. Luggage. Each excursionist is entitled to carry a suitcase up to 20 kg. TravelExplore has no responsibility in case a suitcase is lost or damaged. A claim for compensation is not accepted for possible suitcase damage. For bus trips we recommend that you have, if possible, only one piece of luggage and not many small ones which make transportation difficult.
  15. VAT Under the current law, TravelExplore has included the current VAT rate. in the services provided included in the listed prices of the price list.